About Us

Our Mission Statement

The mission of Direct Research Journals Publisher is to provide a website that will hold scholarly articles in the archives of the journals. Academicians and researchers can get access to the full articles via the archives of the journals without any financial barrier. Hence Direct Research Journals Publisher fully supports the open-access model of publishing scholarly articles.

The conventional business model for scientific publishers relies heavily on restricting access to published works, in order to recover the costs of the publication process. This restriction of access to published works prevents full use being made of digital outputs and is contrary to the interests of authors, funders and the scientific community as a whole. The traditional subscription-based model is also becoming increasingly untenable, as increasing amounts of research work are being published whilst library budgets remain static.

As a result, DRJP open access publishing model considers publication as the last phase of the research process. Article-processing charges cover the cost of the publication process to allow free and immediate access to the research articles. DRJP ensure transparency and allow publishers to compete to provide the best service at the best price. By combining the cost of publication to research budgets, DRJP ensures that the journal publishing system can scale to cope with an ever-increasing volume of research. DRJP is committed to showing that open access provides a viable alternative that better fits the needs of the scientific community.

Direct Research Journals Publisher is a self-supporting organization and does not receive funding from any institution/government. Hence, the operation of the journal is solely financed by the processing fees received from authors. The processing fees are required to meet operations expenses such as employees’ salaries, internet services, electricity, research, training and retraining, web hosting, awareness campaign, organization of conferences, corporate social responsibility, and other production expenses. Being an Open Access Publisher, Direct Research Publisher does not receive payment for subscription as the journals are freely accessible over the internet.

It costs money to produce a peer-reviewed, edited, and formatted article that is ready for online publication, and to host it on a server that is freely accessible without barriers around the clock. We ask that – as a small part of the cost of doing the research–the author, institution, or funding agency pays a modest fee to help cover the actual cost of the essential final step, the publication.

It is the vision of Direct Research Journals Publisher to support the Open Access initiative. All journals published by Direct Research Journals Publisher are published without restriction to the international community. We strongly believe that the open-access model will spur researches across the world especially in developing nations as researchers gain unrestricted access to high-quality research articles.

It is the policy of Direct Research Publisher not to request grants for its operations as grants sometimes fail, forcing the organization to discontinue its operations. Rather we have chosen the model of self-sustenance through processing fees for articles published.

Authors are required to make payment only after their articles have been accepted for publication. Thus, we resulted in collecting the processing fee once an article has been reviewed and accepted for publication by an editor. Processing fees are usually paid via bank account which will be sent to the corresponding authors as an invoice. There are no financial rewards for reviewers and editors of the various journals. These positions are purely voluntary.

Publication Processing Fees

All manuscripts submitted to DRP are assumed to be submitted under the Open Access publishing model. In this publishing model, papers are peer-reviewed in the normal way under editorial control. When a paper is accepted for publication the author is issued with an invoice for payment of a publication processing fee. Payment of this charge allows DRP to recover it is editorial and production costs and create a pool of funds that can be used to provide partial waivers for authors. Published papers appear electronically and are freely available from the websites. Authors may also use their published works on their own or institution’s website.

As noted above, Open access publishing provides immediate, worldwide, free access to the full-text of all published articles. Open access allows scholars, scientists, government officials, and the general public to view, download, print, and redistribute any article without a subscription. Open access publishing ensures a far superior means of distribution compared to the traditional subscription-based publishing model.

Because there are no subscription fees, publication costs are paid from an author’s research budget, or by their supporting institution, in the form of Article Processing and Publication fee. Once an article is accepted and the publication fee has been paid, the article will be published online, usually within 72 hours, at the individual Journal website.

DRJP does not have page charges, color figure charges or submission fees. Articles should be submitted in the formats that are detailed in the journal’s instructions to authors. Articles must be written in sufficiently good English that they can readily be understood by peer reviewers and readers.

Publication Charges: $655 will be charged as publication charges after the acceptance of the paper.  Contact the editorial office by email: editorialoffice@directresearchpublisher.org for partial waiver.