Cost Implications of in Situ Solarization on Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Production in the Humid Agroecosystem of Southern Nigeria
In situ solarization, plastic colour, Production cost, Revenue, Percentage net returnsAbstract
A two year experiment was conducted in 2019 and 2020 cropping seasons to investigate the cost implications of in situ soil solarization duration using different colours of plastic film in cassava production. Designed as a factorial combination of two plastic colour (transparent and black) and five mulching duration (48, 16, 12, 8 and 0 weeks), arranged in randomized complete block design (RCBD) replicated thrice. The cost implication of the technology was analyzed by computing the production cost, total revenue, net returns, benefit/cost ratio and percentage net returns of each treatment. Results showed a higher production cost and revenue of the solarized plots relative to the unsolarized plot. The highest average percentage net returns of 69.13 % and 69.21 % were obtained from the blocks solarized for 48 weeks using black and transparent plastic, respectively, while the lowest 36.29 % was recorded on the unsolarized plot. In situ solarization for 48 weeks gave the highest economic returns and is therefore recommended.
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Copyright (c) 2025 OKechukwu Chidiebube Umunnakwe, Emmanuel Bassey Effa, Ozoemena Bernedette Bisong, Bini Onen Ebri, Emmanuel Abiodun Awelewa, Oluwatomiwa Samuel Olatunji

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