Quality Evaluation, Mineral Composition and Vitamin Content of “Ndaleyi” (Millet Stiff Forage) Produced from Pearl Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum) and Bambara-nut Flour Blends


  • Fatima Abubakar Lake Chad Research Institute, P.M.B 1293, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.
  • Aminu Barde Department of Food Science and Technology, Aliko Dangote University of Science and Technology Wudil, P. M. B. 3244, Kano, Nigeria.




Ndaleyi, proximate, mineral, vitamin


“Ndaleyi” is a fermented sundried agglomerated powder produced from pearl millet which is widely consumed across all ages of the royal families in the north western Nigeria, mostly by the Kanuri people of Borno State. It is prepared from reconstitution of starch flour with cold water to form slurry and added to the boiling water containing groundnut oil (to avoid sticking) with continuous stirring to form a thick gruel. The study focus on production, proximate, functional, minerals, vitamins and acceptability of ndaleyi produced by substituting millet flour with bambaranut flour, were evaluated at different proportions (10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 of bambaranut flour). ndaleyi prepared with 100% of millet flour served as control. Results showed that “ndaleyi” (millet stiff forage) had significantly increased in ash, protein, fat, crude fibre with decreased in carbohydrate than the control M (100% millet). Variation in functional properties of the flour, sample MBN2 had higher amount of iron (11.29mg/100g), potassium (466.90mg/100g), and magnesium (316.67mg/100g). Vitamin c significantly decreased with increased in riboflavin resulting from substitution with bambaranut flour. Sample MBN2 was overall accepted when compared with the control followed by samples MBN1 and MBN3 This also showed that all the formulations shows a significant difference based on the sensory attributes such as thickness, colour, flavor, texture and overall acceptability.

Author Biographies

Fatima Abubakar, Lake Chad Research Institute, P.M.B 1293, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.

Lake Chad Research Institute, P.M.B 1293, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.

Aminu Barde, Department of Food Science and Technology, Aliko Dangote University of Science and Technology Wudil, P. M. B. 3244, Kano, Nigeria.

Department of Food Science and Technology, Aliko Dangote University of Science and Technology Wudil, P. M. B. 3244, Kano, Nigeria.


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Direct Research Journal of Agriculture and Food Science




How to Cite

Abubakar, F., & Barde, A. (2025). Quality Evaluation, Mineral Composition and Vitamin Content of “Ndaleyi” (Millet Stiff Forage) Produced from Pearl Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum) and Bambara-nut Flour Blends. Direct Research Journal of Agriculture and Food Science, 13(1), 9–15. https://doi.org/10.26765/DRJAFS10962693